Our Management Team


Mary Mycio, J.D.

Mary is a seasoned media professional. The author of three books, as well as over 100 articles for The Los Angeles Times, she has also been the legal coordinator of several international U.S. State Department sponsored programs involving press freedom issues. Mary's foray into documentaries began as an advisor to the Holly Morris feature "Babushkas of Chernobyl".

John P Easby III

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After leaving the U.S. Air Force in 1979, John attended broadcast communications school; earning an FCC 1st class radio telephone operator's license. Since entering the video industry in 1979, John has worked with a broad list of production companies; including 25 years within the electronic retailing industry, where he honed his skills in all aspects of producing viewer market advertising.

David Cristina

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The technical delegate and colorist to the operation, David refined his eye for detail as a close confidant and “repairman” for executive producer Garret Simmons and Big Pond Pictures NY. He has a strong 20 year background in video and image gymnastics, and has worked on projects such as The Royal Chef, Rivals, Welcome to the Gayborhood, the Road Tasted Holiday Special, and countless television projects.

Actually, it isn’t a countless number of projects; there is a total. However, one loses track at some stage.